Humans have come a long way trying to explain effects that feel mysterious to them. Once we believed that solar declines are gods’ way to show humans their wrathfulness, but now we know that it’s just the Moon covering the Sun. But there are still so numerous effects for us to discover and find out — because there are so numerous effects people see and ca n’t explain. They indeed may tell others what they witnessed and nothing believes them because it seems so doubtful, or they will believe them but fail to find a logical explanation.
These kinds of stories occasionally get really creepy and scary, but nevertheless they're so intriguing because those gests are relatively rare. Reddit stonerTiny_Map5886 was also interested in this content and asked people, “ What is commodity you can swear you saw but no bone is believing you?” Some stories are relatively amusing and have a satisfying end as it turns out, they did see what they saw, but others are just plain scary.
Still, partake it in the commentary and upvote the stories that you would believe!
, If you have ever seen commodity that nothing believes you did.
I live in Kenosha Wisconsin (in between Milwaukee and Chicago) and have seen a mountain captain doubly in the area. Everyone just gapes at me when I tell them lol
Also I ’ve seen a BMW with the turn signal on but only formerly.
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I ’m (31F) from Northern Ireland and this happed about 10 times agone. As I walked my canine, I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked around and snappily noticed a slate wolf sluggishly walking through the field I was beneath, gaping right at me with a mangled rabbit in its mouth. We were both walking in the same general direction. It looked huge, around 5 bases or so. It goggled in such a raptorial way I was alarmed that it was going to come for us. It was about 15 measures down with a enough pathetic hedge between us, and we both just stood there firmed for about 10 seconds gaping at each other. Ultimately I picked up my ( small) canine and backed away while watching it, I did n’t know what the hell to do. When it was nearly out of sight and still had n’t moved, I turned and ran. I told my pater who did n’t feel to believe me but said I should call beast weal, and they did n’t take it seriously at each, I noway heard back from them. We do n’t have wolves then so I've no idea what the heck happed. I Google it every many times and did read commodity about people managing to get wolves as faves and then releasing them when they got too big to keep or commodity, so I wonder if that’s what happed. But I always see a look of upset unbelief when I tell someone!
Edit This was in the middle of the day so I could see it veritably easily. Surely did n’t look anything like an Irish Watchdog, and we enjoy large canine types (as well as the small I was walking), and it did n’t feel anything like a large canine. The closest strain I saw mentioned was the Northern Inuit, but more slate.
But it was much bigger with a wild, bloodsucker-suchlike disposition. Actually if I had n’t seen it walking while gaping, I might have wondered if I was just seeing effects.
I saw a many commentary mentioning a wolf sanctuary in Ireland and when I looked that over, this is the closest to what I saw! The city I was by is enough small and not anywhere near any of the sanctuaries/ zoos. I was also in a domestic area — a row of houses on one side of me, the field on the other, so it still feels really arbitrary.
Edit 2 Someone has let me know that a slate wolf escaped roughly around the same time that this happed, from Tyrone which is only about 40-45 country miles down from where I was! So it's acting likely that someone was trying to keep it in prison and it escaped. I ’m not crazy, hurray!
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My Betta fish faded out of a covered tank. And also reappeared in front of my eyes.
Still, including the bottom, If you can imagine This tank is clear plastic on all sides. There is nowhere to hide when it's empty. The only thing not transparent is the essence lid. Betta fish are known to hide, so I did not worry about not seeing him for a couple days, but on day 3 I got upset, so I took the heater and sludge out. Checked the inside of the sludge. Took the shops out. Took the hides out. No fish.
Nothing in the tank but water and glass jewels now, so I started lading the jewels out, allowing he may have gotten trapped under there and failed. Enough soon I am gaping at a tank with nothing but water in it. No fish.
I figure there is no way he is still alive so I start lading the water out. It's about3/4 full when suddenly my fish does one of those questionable slow- turns in the dead center of the tank. There he was. It wasn't, like, I turned down and also back and my fish was there. No, I was gaping at the tank, and I relatively literally saw him swim back into actuality. One second he was not there, the coming he was.
I moved him to a lower coliseum for a many days to keep an eye on him. Covered the top with perforated plastic serape to insure no jumping. He faded from the coliseum a couple days latterly and noway came back. Have possessed several Betta fish, and I can actually say no other fish has ever dimension hopped out of a tank since.
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Not commodity I saw, commodity I felt and heard. I was floundering to sleep one night, lying in bed feeling wired and perverse when I felt pressure lift from the bed on my mate's side. I assumed he would got up to go to the restroom (I was facing the contrary way so I did not see him do this) a many twinkles go by and I hear him come back into the room and feel him get back in bed, nothing strange about that.
Lying there still frustrated the same thing happens again, a lift of pressure, some rustling sounds like a person trying to navigate a dark room, an absence of sound for a many moments and also the sensation of weight on the bed again. Still not allowing important of it, because it was not an egregious cause for concern, I continue trying to fall asleep. Also it happens again. And again. And again.
I was not too into the idea of asking him if he was ok as we had a ridiculous argument that night and I was enough pissed off with him, so I just ignored it. But also. Also it sounded like he'd got up and was simply pacing around the room clumsily, I could hear effects on the shelves being touched and slightly moved and hands gently brushing against walls, and also I felt the bed suddenly dip in a concentrated spot of the mattress as though he'd stood on it. This carries on for I do not know how long, rustling, pressure on the bed and so on until I snap. I sit bolt upright, turn around and say"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"to see my mate waking up from a veritably deep sleep and looking confused.
I told him what had happed and he said he would been asleep next to me the whole time, which was enough egregious to see him in his veritably sleepy state, plus he'd have had bare seconds to jump into bed without me noticing in the time it took me to sit up and turn around. I ever fell asleep that night feeling confused and as though eyes were on me.
And in a typical inelegant visited house fashion, I get a call from my mute the coming morning telling me my uncle had failed the night ahead.
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I saw my uncle fall from the roof as he was escaping a house fire. He was suitable to get inside the auto and take off but not before the house stumbled over on top of the auto. After a many twinkles he appeared out of the bank, limping down. I distinctly remember running back to my house ( right coming door) to tell my mama about what had just happed.
We go outdoors and nothing. No fire, no fractured auto, no house falling over.
I du n no wtf 5 time old me was smoking but I had the hardest time recycling what had just happed or not happed. My mama was so angry with me for coming up with such a awful taradiddle about her little family.
Til this day, 27 times old now, I can not explain what, why, or how I saw what I saw but I veritably much remember intimidating feeling I felt during and latterly.
Mom thinks I must've fallen asleep playing outside and woke up from a agony and shocked but whatever it was it feel too real.
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When I was a sprat I remember seeing a lady’s face in a doorway" beaming"at me, with what I assumed to be commodity brown covering her entire face and teeth. I would see her several times until we moved down when I was 5. Obviously my family did n’t see her but my mama got bothered when I told her that I saw"the lady from the pavilion", which is what I called the lady after I conceited of her falling down a flight of stairs in a small store not far from our house.
And I s ** t you not, my mama told me a many months ago that in the same store I was featuring of, a woman had fallen down a flight of stairs and had her face torn on the way down, supposedly being covered in dried blood when she was plant, hence my description of her. Imagine the look on my face when I heard that lmao
Also, supposedly I kept talking to my mama about a man in the wall back also?? I do n’t
remember seeing a" man in the wall"but I do remember talking about him.
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Was playing with my Kinsman and a friend of ours outside. We were riding our bikes and had a bunch of fun, but could not explore that far from where I live l, since we were like 7 or 8 y/o.
As we were mirthfully cycling down a long road behind a parking garage near my apartment, I started to decelerate down as I was getting tired of it. Both of them were continuing to cycle down the road as they have not noticed me being left before yet.
You have to understand that the position of the road was right in between the parking garage (with 2 bottoms) and a hedge which has only rails on the other side and was generally vacated. So formerly I stopped cycling, I could only turn tail or follow the road ahead.
After reaching my limit, I simply stopped my bike mid way after a while and tried to catch some breath. While doing so commodity caught my eye on the backstairs of the parking garage, I tried to get near to check out what it was out of curiosity. But boy was that a mistake. I spotted a man who sounded kneel down behind a wall of the backstairs. Did not feel suspicious at first, still after a near look I saw what sounded like cutter covered in blood. My body set and all I could feel was sweat that went through my body, which felt like it lasted for twinkles. The man just started to catch on with me standing on road and began to sluggishly stand-up and face my direction. I was ever suitable to get my brain back to process and bolted down the road with any power I had left in me.
After passing both my kinsman and friend, as well as leaving a big distance to where I spotted him. I started to break down in gashes and explaining what happed. No bone would believe me, since they went back to check and plant nothing strange. Got so traumatized from it, that I avoided the road until my medial teens.
Tldr; saw a man with a cutter covered in blood behind a parking garage while cycling as sprat
and no bone would believe.
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I've noway mentioned this before to anyone. Scene EPCOT in Orlando, on the slipup walkway between a walk-thru part with stores and similar on either side and the part leading up to The Land. Date June 2008. I was with my pregnant woman. Huge storm rolls in, black shadows, about to pour, when there was this unearthly blaring sound and bright light exploded. I opened my eyes and I was standing 30 bases or further down back under the covered walkway, unharmed. My woman said I had been standing right beside her, also I wasn't. It was too far to have run in the brief second of the explosion (I assume a lightning strike). Swear this happed as well as I could tell it.
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A many times back I saw a capybara in my front yard (in Alabama). NO ONE believed me because by the time I came back with my phone he was gone.
The stylish I got was a, “ I guess it might have been a capybara” after a original man was plant to have his own fantastic beast collection lower than three country miles down.
Other Creatures I saw in that yard an emu and two bison.
I must have lived enough near to that dude’s land.
Edit to add it was def a capybara. I watched it for several twinkles and estimated it’s weight nearly around 100-130 lbs. Dude also had a catamount escape in the area which brought in state wildlife officers.
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My Dad passed away from Cancer when I was 7 times old. My parents asked me if I wanted to be there when he failed and I said no. My parents arranged for me to go to their stylish musketeers house to sleep over the night after I had said my farewells as he was fading down. That night he did pass and I endured commodity that I can not explain. I remember this vividly, I was fast asleep and I wake up bolted upright at 1150 pm like I was pulled awake and I knew incontinently that he'd failed right also. I had this really strange sense of calm and acceptance and I felt my Dad’s presence like he was saying goodbye. Latterly I asked my Mama when he failed and told her that story and it shook her hard, it happed. A many times latterly she took me to a clairvoyant who latterly said I was a clairvoyant too. My mama is a largely intelligent lady, women of wisdom and to my knowledge did n’t tell this lady a thing. A many times latterly I ’m sitting on the settee after academy with my family watching Television and I get that same feeling again and incontinently know that my Mama has been involved in a auto accident and I told my family right down like I did n’t have a choice I just said it. I was right she had been in a auto accident at that exact time. This was before cell phones and I had no way of knowing, no communication with my Mama. Two events where I knew without a mistrustfulness that events had passed when I had no logical way of knowing. It has n’t happed since and I've no explanation whatsoever for either of them.